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Comprehensive Program

The Admissions Plan, The Admissions Plan NYC, kindergarten educational consultant, high school educational consultant, middle school educational consultant, Helping Families Navigate the NYC Private School Admissions Process, educational consultants nyc, educational consultant nyc, nyc educational consultants, nyc educational consultant, educational consulting nyc, nyc private school consultants, private school consultants nyc, nyc private school consultant, private school consultants nyc, nyc school consultant, nyc high school admissions consultant, private school admissions nyc, kindergarten admissions nyc, nyc private school placement , private schools nyc, private schools new york, manhattan private schools, private school rankings nyc

Whether you are looking for schools in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Riverdale, Westchester, Connecticut, or New Jersey, our expert advice will demystify this process, and our guidance will keep you organized, calm, and confident throughout the admissions season. 


▶︎  Full intake and assessment of all relevant child and family information 

▶︎  In-depth discussion of the private school landscape

▶︎  Targeted list of best-fit schools based on family values and child 

▶︎  Unlimited meetings, phone calls, and emails 

▶︎  Advice, reviews, and edits​ of parent statements and student essays

▶︎  Practice interviews with both parents and child 

▶︎  Testing and tutoring advice and referrals 

▶︎  Tips, advice, and review for school communications 

▶︎  Help with enrollment decisions and managing waitlists ​

There are over 80 NYC-area private schools. Let

The Admissions Plan help you find the right one for your family.


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